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New In-School Workshop 


Who Are We

What if your school's community had a method for overcoming anxiety every time? 

Imagine a summer term with pupils, nervous to sit their exams, but not overwhelmed. Not falling apart under the pressure they feel. Imagine them using the skills they have been practicing to ride the wave, not get washed out to sea. 


Picture how you would like your teachers and parents to feel. Full of anticipation and a sense of the responsibility they held, but in control and able to regulate their pupils’ emotions because they themselves felt balanced. 


If you want to give your community the skills to take back control of their anxiety, these workshops are for you. In four sessions, delivered in person in your school, your pupils, teachers and parents will leave knowing:

  • How to recognise the early signs of anxiety and what to do about them

  • The exact steps to diverting a panic attack themselves, and how to support someone else

  • A completely new, non medical approach to managing anxiety using coaching

  • A repeatable, simple practice they can use to strengthen their emotional resilience

The details:

  • You will have me onsite for one day, to run up to four sessions. You can use the sessions however you would like, however I recommend you use at least one of them for teachers or parents. 

  • The investment for all sessions is £1,500, plus travel expenses. 

  • The sessions will be skills based, interactive and attendees will leave knowing exactly what to do the next time they feel anxiety start to bubble up in their stomachs. 

Ready to go?

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